Speech Therapist

Speech Therapist in Jacksonville, FL

What is a Speech Therapist?

A speech therapist is a licensed healthcare provider who is skilled in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of speech, language, communication, and swallowing issues and disorders.

The Scope of a Speech Therapist

A speech therapist can diagnose and treat speech disorders including stuttering, aphasia, and voice and resonance issues. Language disorders a speech therapist can treat include issues involving both spoken and written language. A speech therapist can also diagnose and treat issues involving swallowing and feeding.

Conditions That May Require the Expertise of a Speech Therapist

There are several conditions which can benefit from the services of a speech therapist, including:

  • Autism
  • Stroke
  • Dementia
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Aphasia
  • Dysphagia
  • Feeding difficulties

Individual and Group Speech Therapy

A speech therapist may recommend individual and/or group speech therapy. One-on-one therapy provides an intense, individually focused opportunity for the speech therapist to gain a good understanding of the patient’s speech, language, or swallowing difficulties. Group therapy may also be recommended. Group therapy can provide a sense of belonging that can facilitate learning.

Tools and Techniques Used by a Speech Therapist

A speech therapist may use several tools and techniques to treat a patient. In addition to individual and group therapy, the speech therapist may recommend exercises to strengthen the tongue, lips, and other areas involved with speech. Computer programs and mobile apps may also be recommended, to provide speech and language learning activities outside of a therapy session. Props, cards, and other visual aids may also be used to help a patient recognize words as they relate to objects.

Want To Know More About a Speech Therapist?

A speech therapist is an important part of a healthcare team. To discover more about what a speech therapist does and how a speech therapist can help you, call the speech therapy professionals at More Than a Voice Speech Therapy in Jacksonville, FL. To schedule an appointment with a speech therapist, please click below to schedule an initial consultation.

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