Parkinson's Speech Therapy in Jacksonville, FL

Parkinson's Speech Therapy in Jacksonville FL

How Parkinson’s Disease Affects the Body

Parkinson’s disease results in smaller and slower movements, causing difficulties in facial movements, and moving the mouth and throat. Parkinson’s also can cause issues with perception, making it difficult to recognize changes that are happening with speech and swallowing.

Communication Problems with Parkinson’s

Speech and language issues that can occur with Parkinson’s include speaking softly or in a monotone voice, not speaking, slurring, mumbling, and stuttering. To determine whether a person with Parkinson’s is having difficulty with communication, it's important to consider whether:

  • Others understand what the person is saying
  • The person is avoiding talking on the phone
  • The person has to work hard to be able to speak
  • The person is having difficulty finding the right words

Swallowing Problems With Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease can also cause difficulty with swallowing, a condition known as dysphagia. Swallowing difficulties can range from mild to severe. In severe cases, they can result in weight loss, choking, and aspiration of food or liquid into the lungs. To determine whether a person with Parkinson’s is having difficulty with swallowing, it's important to consider whether:

  • Food or pills feel stuck in the throat of the person
  • The person needs to frequently clear their throat
  • The person has lost weight, has frequent heartburn, or a frequent sore throat

How a Speech Therapist Can Help with Speech Difficulties Due to Parkinson’s

A speech therapist will perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine which treatment modalities will work best. The speech therapist may recommend exercises to encourage clearer speech and develop and strengthen muscles involved in speech. Amplification devices may also be considered to help create a louder voice. Therapies to aid swallowing include muscle-strengthening exercises, dietary changes, and new eating and drinking techniques. 

Our team of speech-language pathologists is trained in evidence-based techniques and interventions for addressing speech and voice changes in Parkinson's disease. We work closely with individuals to develop personalized therapy plans that target specific speech and voice challenges, improve vocal strength and clarity, and enhance overall communication effectiveness.

Whether you're seeking support for speech intelligibility, voice projection, or vocal quality, our team is here to help. We provide individualized therapy sessions, group therapy programs, and ongoing support to help individuals with Parkinson's disease communicate with confidence and clarity.

Want To Know More About Parkinson’s Speech Therapy?

Located in Jacksonville, Florida, our clinic is dedicated to serving the needs of individuals and families throughout the area. If you're seeking trusted therapy services for Parkinson's disease in Jacksonville, Florida, look no further than More Than A Voice Speech Therapy. To find out more about Parkinson’s speech therapy, call the speech therapy professionals at More Than a Voice Speech Therapy in Jacksonville, FL. To schedule an appointment with a speech therapist, please click below to schedule an initial consultation.

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