Adult Speech Therapy in Jacksonville, FL

Adult Speech Therapy in Jacksonville, FL

What is Adult Speech Therapy?

Adult speech therapy can help improve both the verbal and non-verbal skills of an adult. Speech therapy can teach how to express thoughts and feelings, communicate with others, and understand what people are saying to you. Speech therapy can also help with memory and problem solving.

Common Speech Disorders in Adults

Some of the most common speech disorders adults can develop include:

  • Aphasia, which causes difficulty with speaking, reading, writing, and understanding
  • Apraxia, which causes difficulty forming the words a person wants to say
  • Articulation disorder, which causes difficulty in pronunciation of certain sounds
  • Cognitive-communication disorders, which can cause difficulty with listening, speaking, memory, and problem solving

Causes of Speech Disorders in Adults

Speech disorders in adults can be caused by a medical condition including stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, or dementia.

When To Consider Speech Therapy

You can benefit from speech therapy if you have hearing difficulties, swallowing problems, have had a stroke, or developed a medical condition which is interfering with your ability to speak and communicate.

How a Speech Therapist Can Help You

The speech therapist will begin with a thorough evaluation and assessment, which may include a complete physical, laboratory testing, and imaging, to help determine if an underlying medical condition is contributing to the speech problem. Specific, targeted exercises will be demonstrated, to help strengthen the muscles associated with speech. In cases of stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and cognitive difficulties, the focus of speech therapy is on regaining speech abilities and communication or establishing alternatives to aid communication.

Want To Know More About Adult Speech Therapy?

If you are having speech and communication difficulties, you owe it to yourself to learn more about speech therapy. To discover more about adult speech therapy and how it can help you, call the speech therapy professionals at More Than a Voice Speech Therapy in Jacksonville, FL. To schedule an appointment with a speech therapist, please click below to schedule an initial consultation.

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